Do you want to learn a foreign language successfully? Here are a few methods used and recommended by hyperpolyglots.
1. Immediately learn how to build simple substructures. You can use them if you don't know a certain word. For example, if you don't know how to say abaseball bat, you use the expression a thing which is used to hitting the ball.
2. Find a native speaker, even on the Internet ( Ask him to give you the names of body parts and objects in the environment. It takes about 50 nouns, to begin to acquire verbs and build sentences.
3. Use linguistic forums, such as
4. If you learn several tongues, change the language every 20 minutes.
5. Chew gum. There are studies indicating that this activity promotes memorization.
6. Establish a schedule of repetitions. The method developed by a linguist Paul Pimsleur tells us to revise the material every five seconds, then 25 seconds, two minutes, ten minutes, an hour, five hours, day, five days, 25 days, four months, two years.
7. Memorize poems and favorite passages of books.
8. Practice monologues in a foreign tongue and play in your mind language games, such as how many synonyms of a certain word you can think of.
9. Take care of memory training. Use computer tools, such as programs like Super Memo.
10. Stick to the methods you have chosen. Do not change them during learning.
